He was this silly the entire vacation :)
In terms of knitting, I knit and I reknit, and I frogged, and I knit some more on my Swiss cheese scarf. Yesterday, I finally finished it!

I suppose I'll have to take better photos later.
The Tour is almost over... And I have yet to learn how to ride a bike OR finish my goals. I finished the Swiss Cheese Scarf, which was an accomplishment... I also made pretty good progress on two other scarves.

This is WONDERFUL TV knitting. I can't believe how much I can get done while watching my new obsession- Ghost Whisperer. I am so envious of Jennifer Love Hewitt. Can I just steal all of her clothes from that show? She is absolutely adorable and it's definitely mindless television to go with mindless scarf knitting :)
My Audrey scarf is an entirely different matter.

It's annoying. It's frustrating. It makes me want to scream.
Okay, the pattern doesn't. The pattern is amazing. It's simple and beautiful. The yarn is the problem. I bought this yarn on my first trip to the Woolie Ewe and ever since I have struggled to find something to do with it. I had dreams of knitting a vest in the yarn. I actually almost finished the vest before I realized that it just wasn't a good fit. The yarn is so splitty I want to throw it across the room. However, I am almost done. I suspect that by tomorrow night it WILL be done and I'll make a new post about it, after I block the hell out of it.
I had wanted to knit two more scarves, but I seriously doubt that will happen. The closest I'll get to it is casting on for my One Row Lace Scarf, butttttt. I don't know. I'm getting sick of these scarves. Mostly because I'm so disappointed I didn't get farther on any of this.
Well, I'm going to return to my knitting. Who knows, maybe I'll get farther than I think I will.