For about a month now, I've been thinking about making a blog... I've used online journals before, but never as a blog. Instead, I used them as journals. After seeing way too many gorgeous blogs, I've come to the conclusion that I could do that. I could write about my creative endeavors! I could take photos of my artsy projects! I can write witty things! Okay, I can't do that last item, but I try.
I want documentation of how I progress with my creative ideas. I want to be able to look back in a year and be able to be inspired by what I've done. I want to see gorgeous photos of all of the messes and mistakes I've made and think "Man that was fun". The best way to document this, in my mind, is a blog.
I suppose I need some sort of introduction. I'm Lizz, otherwise known as Lizzybear. I have a wonderful boyfriend, Monkey, and he supports my silly creative exercises. I have always been interested in crafty things. From the time I was a little kid, I made jewelry, I was always drawing, I wrote stories, and obsessively read. I made paper mache, I cross-stitched and tried (pathetically) to sew. I loved anything remotely artistic. That love has never faded away. Today, I journal fairly regularly. I love drawing and using crayons and colored pencils as much as I did way back then. I also love cooking and baking and generally trying to make Monkey very fat. Mostly though, lately, I knit.
I taught myself to knit about a year ago. After six months of garter stitch scarfs, I finally got up the courage to make a hat for the Monkey. A very hideous hat that turned out looking frighteningly like a condom. I decided to try double pointed needles and for the most part, it's been love. I love making hats and toys, and my queue on ravelry has over 350 items on it at the moment.
Just a quick snapshot of what I've been working on lately... It's a baby blanket, the ravelry page can be found here: I'm making it in ocean-y colors for a nonexistent baby that Monkey and I like to pretend we'll have one day.

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