Right now I'm stalling on writing a few papers for my classes. I have had my school mojo this week. I think it's because last week was incredibly stressful and my weekend wasn't long enough to properly unwind from it. I'm still in the weekend mode. Unfortunately, my classes are not appreciative of this fact.

Anyways. Onto the knitting! First up is a Hello Kitty hat I made for my friend Wonju. I held two strands of a Peaches & Cream yarn together and knit like the wind. It actually wound up being pretty short.

This is the Marian cowl. Very easy, very quick to knit. Oh my gosh I adore it. However, I twisted the cowl twice. I still love it though, but I'm not sure if I want to reknit it. Probably not.
Finally, here's just a photo of something that should happen by far more often :)

As for what I'm knitting now...
- I finished the Cosy Neck Warmer. I might switch out the buttons and only use one
- I started the daisy stitch portion of the Wild Vest.
- I'm almost done with the first Frankenstein Mitten, but I'm trying to limit how much I knit on it so I get other projects done too
- I knit a few repeats on my ripple blanket. I think I'm going to dedicate one day a week to it.
- I'm an inch away from separating for the armholes of the Razor Cami (eek!)
That's all I've been doing n the past few days... Now I need to go write about how to use social media to better your pr position. Yuck.
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