Well, I've done it. I've come up with a spectacularly excellent idea. Today, I had a brief conversation with my mom about a variety of things. Mostly she complimented me on my cooking. She had dental surgery last Friday and has been essentially living off the soup I made for her. (Black Bean Tortilla Soup, my absolute favorite, especially with a dollop of sour cream and shredded cheddar on top, and Spinach Soup which is most excellent with shredded Monterey jack cheese). Anyways. When we were talking, she mentioned how my sister had been sleeping in her own bed.
My sister. Ah. How to explain her.

This is Jenny. She has a duck on her head. Don't ask me why.
Jennifer is approximately ten years younger than I am, and opposite of me in almost every way. I love reading, always have. She hates it and only does it by force. I was shy, quiet, and antisocial (I'm less quiet, but the other two hold pretty steady). Jenny is loud, outgoing, and a social butterfly. I could entertain myself for weeks on end without another person. She needs constant entertainment. I was a pain in the neck to my parents until I was about ten, she was an absolute doll to my parents until recently when she started giving them a run for their money.
Even with these differences, I love her to bits. She can be the sweetest kid in the universe when she wants to be, and I'm so glad that I have her around. As crazy as she drives me, I miss her like crazy when I'm in Oklahoma. I keep trying to convince my parents to let me have her for a weekend, but the whole driving up to meet me deters them.
One of Jenny's most obvious traits is that she loves animals. We have essentially a zoo in our house, and Jennifer loves. As if one dog, three birds, and countless (and named) fish weren't enough, she's adopted the cat across the street and tortures it on it a daily basis with her affection.

Jennifer's attack-bird. She loves this stupid thing more than anything else.
So when I showed Jenny the hamsters I had knit for myself, she immediately begged for some of her own. She only has two at the moment, but I expect that will change soon.
She's been asking for more hamsters for a while now, but the conversation with my mom sealed the deal. Jenny had been sleeping on a dog bed next to my parents' bed for years. I'm not entirely certain as to why, but once I left for OU, she was too scared to sleep in her own room, upstairs. When I came home last week, my parents had a break through. They had finally gotten her to sleep in her own room and it seems to be sticking. My mom let me in on the secret to the success. Every day, Jennifer has been laying the hamsters out on her bed. When it's time for Jenny to go to bed, she moves the hamster to a chair next to her bed, facing her so they can watch her and "protect" her while she sleeps.
I think it's the most adorable thing in the universe.
So I'm knitting her at least a dozen more hamsters for Easter. I'm going to put them each in an Easter egg and give them to my mom to hide for Jennifer. I think that'll be a great surprise for her, since I'm not sure I'll be home to celebrate with her. I'm ridiculously excited about this, and going to start knitting them ASAP.
Finally, because this post isn't long and ramble-y enough, lest you think Jennifer's the only one who loves animals, this is my favorite animal/dinosaur ever.

This is Koo Koo, the most evil, self absorbed, boneheaded animal on the planet. I love her to death. My SO says this is because she's exactly like me- selfish to the point of stupidity but her affections can eventually be bought with her favorite foods. Plus she doesn't know when to shut up.
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