I'm not sure how much use I'm going to get out of this. Even though I only did 9 of the 10 repeats, I think it may be too large for me to really wear often. I like wearing shawls in the front, not worn over my shoulders covering my back. Large triangular shawls make me feel like an old lady. I'm sure some people can pull it off, but I feel awkward wearing them like that.
In any case, I think it turned out really well. I've been working on a laptop case ever since I finished it, and all I have to do is sew the lining in and sew up the sides. I'm waiting until I talk to my mom and get her help before I do that though, so it's on hold until then. I finished watching the Mentalist last weekend and I've really been suffering ever since. There seems to be absolutely nothing on TV that interests me... So mostly I've been channel surfing and watching information about the Casey Anthony trial...
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