I made what may be the most delicious cupcakes ever.

What kind of cupcakes, you ask? Butterbeer cupcakes!
Now I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan, but these looked too delicious to pass up. Plus, you know me, I like any excuse to bake things. Originally, they were supposed to be for my SO to bring in to work during the HP midnight showing, but with the scarf and cape I made him, these babies got put on the back burner. I didn't want to waste the cream and buttermilk, so I decided I'd make them anyways.
I am so glad I did. Seriously, the *best* cupcakes I've ever made, and from scratch too! I probably could have eaten every one of them, but I tried to have some restraint. I sent some in with my mom to work (where I think I earned the love and affection of six people I've never met), sent some across the street to our friends/neighbors (who just got two new adorable cats that *will* be on this blog soon), and some to Monkey's sister. Who knows if they make it there or not, but I'm hoping.

And you see that plate? That is the most fabulous plate ever. I bought it from Anthropologie, after listening to an episode of Joy the Baker's Podcast in which she talked about her various mix matched plates. I'm telling you people, it took my entire strength to refrain from buying every last octopus themed item there.
The only modifications I did to this recipe was reducing the heavy cream in the ganache to 3/4 cup. Even then, it was still pretty runny. I actually doubled the frosting recipe and had a bit leftover, so I stuck it in the fridge for a rainy day. I also had plenty of ganache leftover, so I think tomorrow I'm going to experiment with butterscotch frappaccinos/iced coffees. Nom.
And on that note, I'm going to leave off. I'm busy, busy, busy getting ready to go on a trip to the beach for the week. Not that I've really done much to pack- I'm still not even sure what knitting I'm going to bring!
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