Okay, it's a virtual fiber retreat. The Stash Knit Down group on ravelry is hosting a virtual knitting retreat to help us focus on the yarn we already have. Instead of going out, fonding, and hoarding yarn, we're encouraged to finish UFOs, cast on years old stash, and generally rekindle our love for the yarn we already own. They've hosted a few before now, but this is the first that I'm "attending". It lasts starting October 15th to the 23rd, the perfect time for me as it involves two days of three hour car rides, a relatively easy week of classes, and this weekend, where Monkey is out of town.
Utterly fabulous. These are what I "packed".

The hideous clown barf thing in the corner is the second fingerless mitt made of my Malabrigo from hell. It's an attempt to use up the ugly skein, and I'm unimpressed with the results. In any case, I just want to get rid of the yarn, so I'm trying to push through and just finish this mitten. Plus, I need the needles to cast on the yellow ball of Malabrigo Sock that will hopefully become a Springtime Bandit. Really, it would be a fall bandit, based on the beautiful color of the yarn. I'm a malabrigo virgin, so I'm super excited to knit up this yarn.
The extremely messy ball of mini mochi is going to be come an utterly fabulous Cable Braided Necklace. I'm so excited for this project as well. I absolutley adore the colors- they remind me of the beach, and winter all wrapped up in one. The pattern looks deliciously simply yet intersting, so I can't wait to cast this project on.
Finally, there's the little ball of Shepherd Sock that has gone through hell and high water to finally find a project that I like. It's going to be a Beekeepers Quilt, a pattern that the absolutely wonderful HappyCat gifted me in a random act of kindness. Seriously. You've got to love knitters. I've since knit eleven of these teeny hexipuffs, a paltry sum compared to the eight zillion I'm going to need for the size blanket I want, especially when you factor in that my hexipuffs are smaller than they're supposed to be. But I'm loving this project so far. I'm probably going to want to jump off a bridge when it comes time to seam them together, but that's another matter. I'm actually thinking that I'm going to use CrochetAmy's mods and connect as I go, once I get my shipment of new yarn.
Um, did I mention that I ordered my first yarn ever online? After quite a few pathetic emails to my mother, she told me to go ahead and order the yarn I needed from knit picks. Right now, this is my goal for the color scheme.

Since I'm going to run out of the shepherd sock before the end of my blanket, I intend to take a random color and duplicate stitch some of the lovely charts that knitters have provided. I can't wait to have adorable animals on my blanket. My only fear is that it'll turn out to look more along the lines of Dora the Explorer's color scheme than the pretty golds and pinks that I've picked out.
As for entertainment on this knit down, I've already churned through one audiobook, and I have two more queued up to go, as well as an e-book that's waiting for me to check out. I have plenty of TV shows to catch up on (Ringer, Castle, Doctor Who, Playboy Club, and so many more have fallen to the wayside in favor of school). I'm going to really enjoy myself this week. Tomorrow, I intend to throw in a batch of laundry, do homework until it's time to flip it, then do homework until it's time to flip again, over and over again because I think the last time I did laundry was a month ago and I'm running out of comfortable clothes.
I'm so excited. Can you tell?
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