This isn't a true start-something-sunday post- unless you count actually updating my blog somewhat regularly. But it is a restart to something.
When I was little, I used to go to the movies all the time with my mom's best friend's husband. Skip is like a second dad to me. He's always willing to talk and offer guidance, as well as my mom and my go to date when we want to go somewhere and my father is being ornery. Skip went with my mom and me to see my favorite band perform on my eighteenth birthday. He was there to change my diapers when I was little, and he's always willing to try my dessert concoctions (barring any nuts or coconut that is). I always love spending time with him, so when I found out that he wanted to see the American version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I jumped at the chance to go with him. It was our first movie date in a long time, and it was nice getting a chance to do it like old times.
Well, except there was a lot less nudity, violence, and sexual content back in the old days.
In any case, I desperately needed something to bring along with me to the theater (sitting still for three hours? Can you image?!). Since it was a dine in theater, I knew I wasn't going to be any more of a distraction than the waiters frequenting the stairs. I need to look at a pattern for the Bella mittens, and I couldn't think of anything else I had on the needles. I was panicking while sifting through my queue for a project I could work on when I remembered my beekeepers blanket. I had set it aside about a month ago to work on projects that required deadlines, and it had completely fallen out of my memory. During the movie, I churned out four unpuffs and remembered how excited I was to knit on it.

Now I don't want to do anything but knit on it. This is probably mostly because my bella mittens require me to actually pay attention to the pattern (and they're a chunky weight yarn when I prefer to work at a DK weight or thinner). I'm trying (resigning myself, really) to putting the puffs away again. I'm sure they'll resurface when my classes start up again, but for now, I'll content myself with looking at the pretty puffs that are already finished.
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