Friday, November 11, 2011

Potions Class

finished object friday

Again, this is a project that I've already posted photos of, but not a description.


I've had the gruesome knitted eyeballs on my to-knit list for a while now. When it became available for download, rather than needing to email the designer, I seized on the opportunity to knit these for my Halloween decorations.


Again, I knit these up with scraps from Monkey's grandmother. They were super quick, super easy, and stuffed with plastic grocery sacks (I was not about to go out and buy stuffing for something that will only get use one month out of the year). Definitely a project worth doing. I snagged the vase from the Dollar Tree. I had originally wanted a giant glass jar to make it look more like ingredients for a potion, but resigned myself to a vase when I decided that giant glass jars are not worth their price for a project like this.

Overall, I'm happy with how they came out. Plus, they're hard enough that I can pelt them at Monkey whenever he's being a pain in the neck.