Whoohoo! I'm actually posting about a finished object! Granted, I finished this project way back in March, but that's beside the point.

You may remember posting about starting my Maggie's Armwarmers a while ago. I bought the Malabrigo in part because of the rampant praise from podcasters such as The SavvyGirls, but mostly because I wanted to knit my sister a pair of fingerless mitts for Christmas. After careful consideration, finally decided that the color wasn't really her thing, and since it matched my Envy so perfectly, I might as well make mitts for myself out of them. It was fate!
Yeah, right. Try greed!
I whipped up the majority of these while at a hockey game with Monkey, his sister, and her husband. It certainly entranced all of the kiddos there! The pattern was deliciously easy, and I only changed a few minor things. For starters, I knit these in the round, eliminating the extra seaming stitches. I only made the thumbs 15 stitches around (picking up the proper amount, and then decreasing down), and knit them in the same ribbing as the rest of the mitt, because I didn't want it to curl. I love the combination of small and large cables, and the way the thumb sits in the middle of the cables is utterly brilliant. What wasn't brilliant was the yarn.
Like I mentioned before, I hadn't ever used Malabrigo Rios before, and I can tell you right now, I don't intend to purchase it ever again. I recognize that with kettle dyed yarn, you're not going to get a perfectly consistent dye job. However, that doesn't mean a crappy dye job still isn't acceptable. While you can see the gorgeous variation in tones in my project, what you can't see is that every place there was a tie was *white*. There was absolutely no seepage from the dye onto those parts. I can tell you right now, it was a giant pain in the ass making sure that didn't show in my finished project. I have a photo of one bit I cut out on my laptop, but there was a mishap and the laptop is currently awaiting repairs (argh). I'll be sure to update this post as soon as I have access to my files again.
Unfortunately, those white spots weren't my only issue with this yarn. When I first saw the white spots (which were especially infuriating since my yarn wasn't exactly a light color), I looked on Ravelry to see if anyone else had the same problem. I discovered that almost every person had a problem with winding the yarn. Since I hand wound it into a ball with no problem, I figured I was safe.
It got tangled just sitting in my purse. Nearly the entire skein had slipped out of the ball (something I've never had happen to me before) and become a snarled mess. I wound up spending more time untangling this yarn than knitting it. It also fuzzed up like crazy. I would caution anyone against using this for a hard wearing garment.
After I had finished these mitts, I wound up with about half the skein left. I'm still contemplating making my sister a pair of mitts, but I haven't decided yet. I may buy another line of Malabrigo in a more suitable color instead.
Aw. bummer this yarn is so sad. the mitts are so pretty!
Thank you so much! They are ridiculously soft and cozy, so the yarn wasn't a complete waste. It just didn't live up to my expectations!
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