This time, it's something big!

I finished my Frozen Leaves shawl, aka "Aaaachoo! Spring Leaves" because I had an attack of the allergies while knitting it, and because it's a nice snotty color. Like I said before, I've got the sense of humor of a seven year old boy.
The shawl is nice, and lovely, and best of all, HUGE. It was so big, in fact, when I tried to block it out on my bed, I very quickly realized that it would be bigger than my bed if I had blocked it out to it's fullest extent. As it is, it's perfectly lovely.

I knit it out of this lovely yarn I scored on sale, Baruffa Cashwool (don't you just love that name?) on size four needles. Initially, I was rather nervous about how loose my knitting was, but I think it turned out perfectly, and I still have a billion yards left of the yarn!
I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but that's a thought for another day.
I went a bit bead crazy. Not only did I add it on every other row of center stitch of the leaves, I also added them on the stitch that joined three stitches together, until the last chart, where I knit it every other row because it lined up weird.

I think those beads may have added about five pounds to the finished weight. I do know that this provides no warmth against bare skin, as the beads are freezing, so I suspect I'll be wearing it either over long sleeved clothing or when I want to be cooled off, rather than keeping warm in restaurants like I originally thought.
This was a lovely pattern, and absolutely addictive to knit. I kind of wish I was still going!
Then again, I worked on it for like a month, so it's a good thing I finally finished.
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