Thursday, February 23, 2012

Heat Rises

book review thursday

book review thursday You know, it's funny. Heat Rises seemed so much different from the other books that "Castle" supposedly wrote. I highly suspect they got a different ghost writer. The book was entirely more likeable than the other two. The characters didn't seem as poorly written, the innuendo and banter was well played, and the action was thrilling. The plot really hit me hard, as it paralleled the television show so closely. I also noticed the subtle nods to the show and to Nathan Fillion more readily than the previous books.

The writing felt like Castle. It was silly for the most part, but serious when needed. There were horrible jokes, and Beckett's deadpan really shone through. I loved the whole saga of Heat's attempts to gain Lieutenant, as well as Roach's care and consideration for Heat. All in all, I absolutely adored this book. I cannot wait to see what ABC has planned for his next book, because this one was a stunner.

My favorite part? The description and title of the book Heat was reading at the end. No spoilers, but it really made me grin.

(4/5 stars)