Gimpy went through some serious changes before she was finally finished. A coworker of mine is supposed to go in for surgery soon, and I thought a monster might cheer her up. I immediately though of Hugo, as he's big and cuddly. Unfortunately, I didn't realize just how big he was. After the ennui of stockinette stitch (and the frustration over attempting duplicate stitch and intarsia in the round), I finally gave in and opted for a pocket sized version instead.

I cast on for the CoCo pattern next, and she was an absolute breeze to finish. The hardest part was duplicate stitching, which I'm still not fabulous at. I tried to keep my stitches and loose as possible, but there was still a fair bit of white that showed through. It probably would have helped if I had gone up to a heavier weight of yarn, but that was just what I had on hand. In any case, she's finished and hopefully will help my coworker feel better soon!

Gimpy is a thoroughly helpful monster. She loves to feel needed, and will go out of her way to cheer you up when you're feeling down. Gimpy lives to make sick people get better, and her dream is to be a nurse. Her favorite movie is Patch Adams, and she'll watch it over and over again when no one needs her help. She adores balloons and daytime TV, and is the perfect size to hide in your pocket for a happy suprise.
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