All of you chocolate lovers, be warned. This cupcake will make you cry.

Can I just say, this frosting was the best. Seriously. I could have (and perhaps did) eaten it with a spoon. These are the last cupcakes for my mom's birthday, since she specifically requested that I make something choclatey for the people who don't like strawberry. Whatever. Since my dad likes chocolate and coconut, it made the recipe selection pretty simple. These are Chocolate Coconut Cupcakes with Salted Buttercream.
I can see the tears beginning to fall.

As I've said before, I'm really not a chocolate person, so if I make these again, I'll just be using a chocolate cake mix with some coconut thrown in. I'm lazy that way. But then again, I use cupcakes as mostly a vessel for icing anyway.
This icing? SO FREAKING GOOD. The best part is that it's made with caramel topping. Super simple, super delicious. Since time was of the essence while making these, I wound up skipping the home-made chocolate sauce and just used Hershey's Syrup as a garnish. It worked out fabulously. According to my SO, this was in my top five cupcakes.
Go. Make these today. You won't regret it.
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