Namely, my schedule of doom for tomorrow. I tried to write it out, in attempts to make myself feel better. While I am a bit more amused, I'm absolutely terrified about tomorrow. (I'm moving at 6AM Wednesday moving. Predictably, I'm so not ready).
The schedule:
0800-0830 Tear self from bed. Shower. Attempt to not look like a sleep deprived zombie.
0830-0900 Eat breakfast for fear of turning into a ravaging monster. Resist the urge to bake muffins and pancakes to avoid the certain doom
0900-1000 CLEAN ALL THE THINGS from the last minute baking of the evening before.
1000-1130 Pack. Yuck.
1130-1430 Run in terror of the packing, straight to the arms of an LYS. Squish more yarn.
1430-1500 Pick up prescription on the way home
1500-1520 Scarf down lunch. Most likely leftovers and a smoothie, since our fridge is exploding.
1520-1700 Go the the eye doctor. Enjoy the brief moments of relaxation via knitting in the waiting room. Resist the urge to buy neon square framed glasses.
1700-1900 Pack more. Procrastinate slightly by eating a light snack since dinner will be late.
1900-2000 Fall into a pit of despair about the state of packing. Go across the street and mush the kittens there and try to sneak one home.
2000-2130 Make dinner. Crash hot potatoes + something. Do potatoes really need a side dish?
2130-2230 Last ditch efforts to squeeze things in boxes while my father shoves them in our cars.
2230-2330 Give up. Get ready for bed/doom. Sync up my iPod for the trip and try, most likely unsuccessfully to sleep.

This is the aforementioned kitchen.
My To Pack list is ridiculous. I'm so doomed.
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