It's Friday! And that means a new theme!

I had a blond moment earlier, because I couldn't think of any projects that I could display for this first theme. Then, I had to mentally shake myself because I *did* have photos of something awesome I finished. I made this:

What is it, you may ask? Well, clearly it's not a cupcake, as my father called it when I first showed it to him.
This is the man who called the bear I drew a "pig-dog". His judgement is not to be trusted.
What this beautiful thing is, is a poptart. A poptart cell phone cozy.

You may now ooh and ah.
Jen and I have the same phone, so it was easy to determine that the pattern I used was way too darn long for our weirdly shaped phones. She manages to squash her iTouch in this, so I think a cozy for that is coming up for her birthday as well. Spoiled thing. This was my first successful attempt at intarsia, and if I do say so myself, I did a rather good job. It was ridiculously easy, except the part where I apparently completely forgot how to mattress stitch so the sides are looking rather horrendous. The worst part was sewing on those beads, however. When I finally run out of my itty bitty seed beads, you can bet that I'll invest in larger ones. Those are just a pain. They give the right effect though, so all is well that ends well!
The reason I knit this for my sister was because I caught her carrying around her phone and iTouch in a scrap of fabric she nicked from me. She had previously asked me to knit her a nyan cat but I didn't (and don't) want to figure out a flat cat head at the moment. She improvised, and found a grey beanie baby from her stash of stuffed animals and squashed it in. For the next few hours, she and her friend Shelby surprised me by making the cat dance while they sang the song. It may have been the funniest things I've seen in a long time. Silly girls!
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