In my utter desperation for lack of things to do, I sifted through my iPod to find more things to listen to, while computer-less. Catering to Nobody again piqued my interest. At first, I didn't realize that it was yet another "cozy" mystery, so when the first attempted murder is announced, I was quite surprised.
The rest of the book followed a reasonably predictable matter. The ending was definitely something I didn't expect, but Davidson still managed to artfully weave in niggling clues without being too vague. I had thought right off the back that Patty Sue's frequent visitations were odd, but I certainly didn't expect the giant mess that it had caused. The attempted, and actual murderers weren't something that screamed out to me ahead of time, but once it was expressed on paper, made perfect sense.
The only thing I'm slightly concerned about is how the author is going to cope with familial murders. I can only hope she moves out of the family tree in the next few books.
I loved Marla, she was a really intriguing character, and one in which I wish the author had paid more attention to. I thought Goldie's voice was highly realistic, and her tenuous relationship with her ex-husband and son completely believable.
The only part I didn't find believable? Her relationship with Tom Schultz. I know, I know, he's supposed to be the romantic interlude, and I understand that he's going to play a larger part later in the series, but it seems so... unappealing. He's bossy and unprofessional, and that rather irritated me. It was just a bit too far fetched t think he would take Goldie, a woman he hardly knew, out to dinner and spill juicy details of the case to her.
Apart from that slight annoyance, I really, really liked this book and am looking forward to continuing on in this series!
(4/5 stars)
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