Saroyan has been in my queue for a while, but I was unsure as to what I would knit it out of. After my family's last trip to Destin, I knew I had found the yarn: Alpaca Yarn Co.'s Astral. The yarn is, well, weird. It's almost like knitting with human hair- the strands are long, and there is very little twist. There's also some serious shine to the yarn, which is something I don't necessarily like, and it certainly makes photographing it more than a little difficult.

I initially cast this on while listening to the audiobook of Dying for Chocolate, and managed to put in two leaves before I finally called it quits. Unfortunately, I think this is going to chill on my needles for a while. All of my attention-required knitting time has been eaten up by my Beatnik and Beekeeper's quilt.
What an intriguing yarn!
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