I'm so close to being caught up with blog posts for recently completed projects. Mostly I'm just in need of photos. I've also been doing a really good job of taking photos of projects I completed a long time ago, but just never photographed
I counted
this project towards my 12 in 2012, and it kind of feels like cheating because it was SO quick. Seriously, like two hours and I was completely done.
I think she needs a little backstory.
Once upon a time, Monkey discovered that not only was I incredibly susceptible to extreme weather, but my primary diet is ice cream, soda, and Taco Bell. Since clearly no human can survive on such a nutrient deprived lifestyle, he came to the unquestionable conclusion that I'm secretly a reptilian alien.
After a while, it finally came out that I'm the last of my kind, I live on an invisible spaceship that has caused me to be utterly pathetic because everything is given to me with a push of a button. I think he ought to make this a children's book. In any case, this running joke eventually led to his renaming me "Creature", or "Creech" for short.
When I first found out that Monkey would be away this summer for two months, I threatened to hide in his luggage- which of course led to more jokes about how he'd open his rucksack for supplies only to find me inside, having eaten all of his MREs.
So, as a surprise, I whipped up the tiny dinosaur pattern out of the Teeny Tiny MochiMochi book, because it matched all descriptions Monkey came up with for me. I told him that this was a teeny version of me, and it was going with him to keep an eye on him while he was away.
First, she had to examine his luggage to make sure everything was packed properly and he had enough underwear.
Then, I had to make sure she understood all of my (and her) favorite things. Like my new sunglasses. She looks almost as fabulous as I do in them.
Finally, after all of that hard work, we stopped for a delicious drink- a tall caramel frappuccino with coconut syrup from Starbucks. Yummmm.
Her pattern was ridiculously simple and quick, and utterly awesome. I really enjoy the toy patterns like that, where they have creative photography and cute little back-stories/descriptions. I used leftover yarn from my
Citron and a smidge of pink yarn from my
hexipuffs for the spikes.
In the last message Monkey sent me before he had to give up his cell phone, he included a photo of the mini Creature hanging out with his stuff in the barracks.
I don't know if she'll come back from his trip, let alone come back in one piece, so thankfully she was a super quick knit, and the book she came in is something I'd recommend to anyone who likes quick, cute toys or has a middle school girl in their life, as it took quite a lot of effort to rescue the stuffie from my sister.
All in all, one of the most fun projects I've worked on!