Today has been an... odd sort of day. I entirely blame it on the fact that I got about three hours sleep last night. So far, I not only went and royally enjoyed myself at my sister's volleyball practice (though, I was enjoying myself listening to an audiobook and knitting hexipuffs), but I did so while drinking something unusual.

I'm really not a coffee person, and as I've mentioned before, I'm really, really not a chocolate person. The fact that I was guzzling down a bottle of this stuff like it was
So yes. Seriously. Go out and buy this coffee right now. This instant. It's that good.
In terms of the knitting, I was happily duplicate stitching on hexipuffs and garnering attention from the prepubescent boys who were lifting weights behind me. Even though I had my headphones in, I could still hear their completely mystified conversations about what on earth I was doing. Next up is an optometrist appointment for Jenny, where I'm sure I'll get even more attention.
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